Smoothening inner surface

For many days now, Manuel has patiently worked with making the whole inside of the little chapel totally smooth and with a uniform surface. In some places he has had to “build” with a clay mixture to even out the unevenness that had occurred when we at different times have worked on different places of the inner walls. But mostly and finally all over all surfaces he has “painted” with a “slicker”, a thin mixture of just clay,  sand and some water. Now there is a unified and consistent surface waiting for me to paint during the winter!


Here from another angle, I hope that even though You see it not in reality but only on a picture You can see that there is a harmony and uniform surface:

Today he finished the walls of the main room. Tomorrow he will start the same work for the small surfaces of walls in the tiny  “entrance room” .

Among other tasks I today ordered some natural pigments that I soon will blend with water, eggs and flax seed oil and then use for the paint job inside the chapel. I rejoice when visualizing the future result of all our labors… Uncountable hours accomplished already now… and we are far from done with the work…  But, God willing; some day in the future we will reach the goal.  : )

Lärkan and Vincent had hoped to work some more on the roof of the chapel today, but again the weather made it impossible. (=Rain, rain, rain….) But there are always other things to be done. For example today, the clay floor in the future hens house that we have painted with flax seed oil tree times over, finally had dried enough so that we could enter the house and walk on the floor.  Then Lärkan and Vincent made some plans and started to build the parts of the walls that will be built out of wood. Here You see Vincent standing in the “corridor” on the other side of where we soon will have built a wall with nest boxes where we hope for a lot of eggs in the future. : ) 


Hopefully the hens can “celebrate a house warming party” in a week or so… It is needed because it is cold out now. They still live outdoors but every night it is around or under freezing.

One of the WWOOF-ers that kindly helped both in the chapel – as You have seen on earlier blog posts – and in this hens house earlier during the summer, Fransesc, from Catalonia (Spain) wrote in a mail recently that he thinks this will be the most luxurious and best insulated hens house in the whole of Scandinavia : )

4 responses to “Smoothening inner surface

  1. You have many angels there. With red hair somebody and different styles. And the hen don´t know which 5 stars hotel they stay at. Many first class eggs they will then lay for you I suppose.

  2. Katha

    Just catching up…. and I like what I see!! ^^ Nice to step by once in a while.

    • HOW nice to get a “sign” from You! Long time no see ; ) I remember with joy days in nice companionship with You! And I am glad that You “like what You see” about the progress in the chapel! Right now I am reading the book You recommended… Interesting ! MM

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